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2020 Mission Trips


The nations are calling and Culture Waves Global is answering the call.  Our 2019 docket of trips offers the widest selection of mission trips that we have ever had available.  From Jamaica to China, India to Thailand, we have a trip that is right for you and your group.  We have an incredible network of associates around the world that help to make our trips successful and smooth.


We are always seeking participants to be part of our mission trips.  If God has given you a passion for the nations, we want to encourage you to look for a trip that would be best suited for you.  Each trip has a "flare" all its own.   From working in schools in China to the rural mountains of Jamaica, we have a trip that is perfectly suited for the calling that God has placed on your life.  Call us at 1-972-762-0227 if you have specific questions that we can answer regarding one of our trips.  


Our president, Dr. Ron Osborne, has more than 20 years of pastoral experience and 10 years experience leading international mission trips.  He is happy to come and speak to your church or organization about international missions and how your group can become personally involved.  We also offer a "Great Commission Sunday."  Our president will come and speak to your Sunday School departments, preach on the Great Commission during services, then give a presentation over lunch that highlights mission trip opportunities that your church can be part of.  We want to partner with your church for the long-haul and will do whatever we can to help see your church engage the nations.


Culture Waves Global, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry specializing in short-term international Christian missions.  All donations are tax-deductible.

Montego Bay, Jamaica,

January 19-23, 2020

Beijing, China

February 21 to March 1, 2020

Group Home for Handicap Children

Our team will be visiting and working in a group home for handicap children.  â€‹These are the forgotten members of Chinese society.  They receive no assistance from any source.  We will take medical supplies and other things to be a great blessing to them.  We would love to have you join us.


Trip Cost: $2,950.00 per person/double occupancy.  This price includes airfare, hotel, buffet breakfast, and lunch daily.


* You must have a valid passport and obtain a China travel visa.  We are happy to assist with this.


Andhra Pradesh, India

March 12-21, 2020

Join our mission team as we travel to Andhra Pradesh.  We will be hosting a pastor's conference, working in our orphanage, ministering among the poor, and delivering supplies to a leper colony.​


Trip cost: $3,250.00 per person/double occupancy.  All meals are included.  You will only be responsible for meals while on your own and at the airport.


You must have a valid passport and obtain an India travel visa.  Our associates are happy to assist with this.

Email: for more details.

Coffee Piece, Clarendon, Jamaica

April 24 to May 2, 2020

Our team will go going back to Jamaica to make some much needed repairs to Coffee Piece Baptist Church.  This church in located in a very poor community up in the mountains of Jamaica.  The church needs a new front porch and covering.  We may also try to paint the exterior if time allows.  This church in one of the only churches in the community and is a vital Christian witness.


Trip Cost: $1,950.00 per person/double occupancy (all inclusive).  You must have a valid passport.  No travel visa is required to go to Jamaica.

Medellin Slums favelas, Colombia.jpg
Colombia, South America
May 21-30, 2020

Our President, Dr. Ron Osborne, will be making an intitial visit to Columbia to establish new work in this country.  The coastal area of Cali and Medellin, and Colombia are under consideration.  Please pray that God opens opporuntieis for ministry in this area.

Xi'an, China

June 19 - 28, 2020

This Project Will Include

* Help elementary age students improve their oral English skills​

*  Share Christ with Chinese English teachers

* Participate in home Bible studies (where available)

* Experience an ancient culture

* Visit historical and cultural sites in China that may include: â€‹

     - Tiananmen Square

     - The Great Wall

     - The Temple of Heaven

     - Hong Qiao Market

     - and much, much more!

Trip Cost: $3,250.00 per person/double occupancy (all inclusive)

* You must have a valid passport and obtain a China travel visa.  We are happy to assist with this.


Leicesterfield & Smithville, Jamaica

July 25 - August 1, 2020


Oakhill Baptist Church in Evansville, Indiana will be conducting two projects during the same week.  Team Leicesterfield will be conducting an Upward Basketball Camp at Leicesterfield Baptist Church.  Team Smithville will be building a new playground at Smithville Primary School.  These projects will bless hundreds of children in these mountain communities.​


They will also be leading worship in their respective churches on Sunday.


Mission trip cost is $1,850.00 per person. This covers airfare, room, and most meals.  Food will be available at our cottage. Snacks and meals out are your responsibility.  You must have a valid passport.


Email: for more details.


August 18-26, 2020

This closed project is filled by a Baptist Association of churches.

Andhra Pradesh, India

September 19-28, 2019

Culture Waves Global, Inc. will return to Andhra Pradesh, India to conduct a variety of evangelism projects.  These will include city ministry, rural tribal villages, visiting leper colonies, conducting a pastor's conference, and more.


Project cost: $3,250.00 per person/double occupancy (all inclusive). You must have a valid passport and India travel visa.  Our associates are happy to assist with this. 





Smithville, Jamaica

October 2-10

A mission team from Green Valley Baptist Association in Henderson, Kentucky will be doing ministry up in the mountains of Jamaica.  


Each day, they will bring devotions to children prior to the beginning of their school day.  They will then help some churches in the area by painting and helping to "spruce up" the facility.  During the evening time, they will be leading worship at some area ministries.

Tangshan, China

October 16-25, 2020

Our "cultural exchange teams" work in public and private schools in China.  We assist teachers and students with their conversational English skills.  Don't worry, you don't have to be an English teacher to participate.  We do not teach English or grammar.  We just give short presentations about our home, work, school, and life in America. This exposes them to our culture while allowing them to hear a native English speaker talk.


The trip also includes visiting historical and cultural sites in China including: 

     - Tiananmen Square

     - The Great Wall

     - The Temple of Heaven

     - Hong Qiao Market

     - and much, much more!

Costs:  $3,250.00 per person/double occupancy (all inclusive).  You must have a valid passport and Chinese travel visa.  Our associates are happy to assist with this.


Canterbury, Jamaica

November 14-21, 2020

We have a church in the Florida Panhandle that is currently praying about taking on this project in Canterbury.  Our mission team will be working at Redemption Chapel.  This is part of a 4-5 year partnership.  This project is primarily construction based.  We will be painting and tiling two small classroom spaces and a bathroom.  We also hope to replace their termite eaten pews with new chairs. We plan to build a small playground, and refurbish a basketball court that the church owns.


The cost of this project is $1,850.00 per person.  That price includes airfare, lodging, and most meals.  We will have access to a full kitchen and will stock it with groceries upon arrival.  You can purchase snacks and any special food items you made want.  Meal whie out shopping and such are your responsibility.  You must have a valid passport.

Andhra Pradesh, India

December 2020

Operation Christmas Joy

Culture Waves Global is seeking a special church that would be willing to take on this project to provide clothes and supplies for our orphanage in Andhra Pradesh, India. We have much ongoing work in this area.  We will also be providing food, blankets and medicine to a leper colony in which we have worked for five years.  All of this can be purchased and delivered for approximately $3,000.00. 


Financial gifts of any size will help us to provide these precious gifts and bring the joy of Christ to hundreds.  All distribution of gifts is done in cooperation with local pastors and churches.  There will be a strong Gospel presentation at each venue.  Please help.


© 2021 Culture Waves Global, Inc.

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